
Lisa Gromicko

Peter Loebell

Helle Heckmann

Aniko Gereb

Palm Hale

Susan Johnson

Diana Marshall Mei

selected by the Birth to Three working group in IASWECE

Katina Beniaris, April 2017

Almut Hupbach, Rebecca L. Gomez, Richard R. Bootzing, Lynn Nadel (Department of Psychology, The University of Arizona, USA)

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Tara Parker – Pope (New York Times, October 2014)

Rebecca L. Gomez, Richard R. Bootzin, and Lynn Nadel (University of Arizona)

Alexandra Topping (The Guardian, October 2013)

A. J. Schwichtenberg,  Thomas F. Anders, Melissa Vollbrecht, Julie Poehlmann

A. J. Schwichtenberg, Prachi E.Shah, Julie Poehlmann

Sabine Seehagen, Carolin Konrad, Jane S. Herbert, and Silvia Schneider

University of Zürich

Robert Stickgold

Article published in the New York Times, April 9, 2017

Article Published in the New York Times, February 2, 2017